日本語 / English
Tamami Tono
Ms. Tono has received prizes for the top graduate at Kunitachi College of music (Composition B.A.), and Keio University (Media and Governance M.A.).
Japanese traditional culture encouragement prize, The special award of performing-arts creation encorougement by Agency of Cultural Affairs in Japan.
She is the resident composer of CCMIX (Centre de Creation Musicale Iannis Xenakis) also The Silk Road Project (Produced by Yo-Yo-MA)
Tono has been performing Gagaku (the court music of Japan) to modern music at National theatre of Japan since 1990.
She participated in Tanglewood Summer Festival, LINCOLN CENTER FESTIVAL, EU Japan Fest, Wien Modern, Niew Ensemble concert tour, Ultima festival, ICMC97,99 Xenia Ensemble/EstOvestFestival and others.
As a Composer, She won the First Prize for National Theatre Composition Concours in Japan, the Second Prize of composition Sougakudoh Japanese song concours.
Her works were accepted in ICMC98, 2002 ( International Computer Music Conference ) ISCM World Music Days, CONCORSO INTERNAZIONALE LUIGI RUSSOLO, ICMF98. Also her music have been performed at International Tuba Euphonium Conference’90, the opening of TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FORUM(1997), SF MoMA Exhbition “Cross Fade” etc.
She produces multi media performance project names “Breathing Media”. That combine tradition and technology with several fields of Arts and Sciences.
Tono has granted for her reserch and creation from Artistic Internship of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan foundation, Japan Arts foudation, The KAO Foundation for Arts And Sciences, Roland foundation, Asian culture council, The board of education in Gunma.
CD Tamami Tono”Breathing Media – Choushi – ” (commmons)
CD John Cage ” Two3, Inlets, Two4″ 96kHz 24bit DVD Audio (Ogre Ogress Records USA)
CD “SILENCE”〔NEWSIC (Spiral-Wacoal Art Center)〕includes “Mubiius link 1.1”
CD “Jyujikan”(SF MoMA) includes “dinergy2 for Sho and Live computer”
CD “GOHATTO”by Ryuichi Sakamoto [WARNER MUSIC WPC-10063]
CD “BUGAKU ” by Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble [2000 NIPPON COLUMBIA co.,Ltd.]
- Career
- Awards
- Masterworks
The top graduate at Kunitachi College of music (Composition B.A.)
The top graduate at Keio University (Media and Governance M.A.)
Tamami Tono studied GAGAKU music and instruments with Sukeyasu Shiba.
Tamami Tono studied SHO performance with Hideaki Bunno and Mayumi Miyata.
Studied composition with Hideo Mizokami in Kunitachi College of Music.
Studied multi media creation with Toru Iwatake & Masaki Fujihata in SFC.
Studied computer music with class of IRCAM, CCMIX in Paris.
Studied computer music with Curtis Roads, Cort Lippe.
Fellowship and Grants for Research & Creation
National Agency for Cultual Affairs in Japan
Japan foundation
Japan Arts foudation
Asian culture council
The KAO Foundation for Arts And Sciences
Roland foundation
The board of education in Gunma.
General arts festival in Gunma.
Resident Artist of Yo-Yo MA / The Silk Road Project (SIEMENS USA)
Resident Composer of CCMIX (Centre de Creation Musicale Iannis Xenakis Paris)
National Theater of Japan
Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble
Gendai Hougaku composers federation
Strategico. Inc (artistic director)
Tokyo International Music Ensemble (TIME)
Awards & Prizes
The top graduate at Kunitachi College of music (Composition B.A.)
The top graduate at Keio University (Media and Governance M.A.)
Japanese traditional culture encouragement prize.
The special award of performing-arts creation encorougement by National Agency of Cultural Affairs in Japan.
The First Prize for National Theatre Composition Concours in Japan
The Second Prize of composition Sougakudoh Japanese song concours.
Her works were accepted in ICMC98, 2002 ( International Computer Music Conference )
ISCM World Music Days,
ICMF98. Also her music have been performed at International Tuba Euphonium Conference’90,
The opening of TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FORUM(1997), SF MoMA Exhbition “Cross Fade” etc.
“dinergy2 for Sho and Live Computer” (1997) Accepted at international competitions and festivals.
“Hoshigatami for Gagaku Ensemble ” ( The First Proze for National Theatre Composition Concours in Japan
“Seisinga” (commissioned by Yo-Yo MA The Silk Road Project 2003)
” Gekkaraku -Tsukishiro- “(comissioned by National Theater of Japan 2005)
” HITEN ” for space culture project by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA. 2005/2007)
“Hanakasane for 1000 years anniversary of “Tales of Genji” (comissioned by Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble 2008)
“Before Awake” for Sho and Soprano (The Second Prize of composition Sougakudoh Japanese song concours.)
Musical “MOMO” (Openning of Tokyo International Forum)
Ofiicial School Song “Mizu to Hikari to Daichi” (Lyrics by Masako Takeda )for Hakurei elementary and middle schools.
and more…
Stage Performance
National theatre of Japan (1989~)
Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble (1990~)
EU Japan Fest (Germany)
Wien Modern (Austria)
Niew Ensemble concert tour (Holland)
Ultima festival (Norway)
Xenia Ensemble / EstOvestFestival (Italy)
Tanglewood Summer Festival (USA)
Tokyo Summer Festival (Japan)
Pacific Music Festival (Japan)
ICMC (International Computer Music Conference)
ISCM World Music Days (International Society of Contemporary Music)
TAMAMI TONO concert series “SHO COSMOS” (1990~)
” KUKAI” creation of contemporary NOH works by Rokuro UMEWAKA
“FUNE TO KOTO” composed by Masataro IMAFUJI
” Playing The Piano 2011″ by Ryuichi SAKAMOTO
CD “Breathing Media – Choushi – ” (commmons 2011)
CD ” Inori ~Pryers of Japanese Spirit~” (Greenfin Records 2010)
CD John Cage ” Two3, Inlets, Two4″ 96kHz 24bit DVD Audio (Ogre Ogress Records USA)
CD Graham Ashton Brass Ensemble “Scenes of Spirits” (SIGNAM records UK)
CD “SILENCE”〔NEWSIC (Spiral-Wacoal Art Center)〕includes “Mubiius link 1.1”
CD “Jyujikan” includes “dinergy2 for Sho and Live computer”
CD “GOHATTO”by Ryuichi Sakamoto [WARNER MUSIC WPC-10063]
CD “BUGAKU” by Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble [2000 NIPPON COLUMBIA co.,Ltd.]
CD “ICHIGU” Gagaku works by Shiba Sukeyasu
and more…..
NYU musicology class (N.Y, USA)
SEMENS research and development facility (Princeton, USA)
CCMIX (Paris, France)
CESMEO(Trino, Italy)
Women’s seminar by Shinmai
Arts management association in Minamisoma city
The board of education in Gunma
CSK culture seminar
Produce & Direction
Breathing Media Project ( Art and Science Research & Creations)
The Eurasian Edge Project ( Cross Culture Development )
New Silk Road Exhibition concert direction
Music for Ceremony